The Covid-19 virus, which has a tremendous impact, has attracted the attention of many people. In fact, the campus was also affected. “Many campus activities have been delayed by the Corona Virus,” said Dr. Agus Susanto Tan, Managing Director of IT&B...
The IB IT&B held a seminar titled Financial Freedom Blueprint hosted by investment expert, Mr. Darmin at the IT&B Campus Hall on Saturday (3/14/2020). The Managing Director of IT&B, Agus Susanto, said that the seminar was intended for students to better...
On Thursday 12 December 2019, University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) gave an online seminar titled “Cross Cultural Management” to students of the Institut Bisnis IT&B. The seminar held live was delivered by Dr. Bibi Noraini Mohd. Yusuf, Deputy Dean...
Hospitality Study Program at the Institut Bisnis IT&B in collaboration with Yayasan Berani Bermimpi held a Career Day-Culinary Pastry World event, Saturday (07/12/2019). The event was held in order to provide understanding, education and training to children from...
The rapid development of the industrial world encourages the increasing need for reliable, professional, competent and certified human resources from the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP). Therefore, this has encouraged the IT&B Business Institute...
The Dairi Regency Government (Pemkab) invites the IT&B Business Institute (IB IT&B) to collaborate in holding open and mutation selection participant assessments, filling pratama high leadership positions within the Dairi Regency Government. The assessment was...