The rapid development of the industrial world encourages the increasing need for reliable, professional, competent and certified human resources from the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP). Therefore, this has encouraged the IT&B Business Institute to collaborate with PT. HRD Indonesia in providing competency-based competency tests / assessments that aim to measure the achievement of competence of graduates and also workers in the industry against the National Work Competency Standards. Cooperation agreement with PT. HRD Indonesia was signed on November 21, 2019, Thursday by the Managing Director of PT. HRD Indonesia, Dra. Lisa Nathalia MS, Ph.D.

IT&B Managing Director, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan said, “To fulfill existing obligations, it is very important for a university to be able to certify college students, because the existence of a national qualification framework is expected to encourage the development of student skills.”

With the formation of cooperation with PT. HRD Indonesia, this has proven that the IT&B Business Institute supports its students to achieve targets and performance by referring to the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI), “said Dr. Agus was accompanied by the Rector of the IT&B Business Institute, Rosita SE, MSi, Head of the Accounting Study Program, Deva Djohan, BCom, MM, MBA, Secretary of the Accounting Study Program, Stefvy, SE, SH, BBA, MM and Head of the Management Study Program, Dr. Elyzabeth Wijaya, SM, MM, MBA.

Signing of MoU by Dra. Lisa Nathalia, MS, Ph.D from PT. HRD Indonesia
with the IT&B Business Institute