Overview of Hospitality Management Study Program
Our Hospitality Management program is an international hospitality and tourism program based on the curricula used in Australia and Singapore. It is addressed at students who want to pursue a career in international 5 star hotels, tourism and travel, event organizing or running their own business. Once graduated, students can transfer their study credits and complete their degree studies with one of our partner hospitality universities overseas.
To be a globally competitive Hospitality Management Applied Undergraduate Program in 2032
1. Organizing applied education and teaching in the management of quality hotels.
2. Improving the variety and quality of applied research related to practical problems in hotel management.
3. Improving community service programs in order to apply applied education and research results in accordance with the needs of the community and the hotel and hospitality industry.
4. Improving the quality of students and prospective graduates through the application of competency certification in hotel management.
The event was designed for our students to appreciate their parents. The entire event was planned and coordinated by our students. The full course meals from appetizer to dessert were cooked, prepared and served by our students at IT&B campus’ facility. At the same time, the Chairman of Yayasan Tunas Andalan Nusa, Mr. Rachmady Tanady presented the awards of achievements in Culinary and Baking Competition.
The Culinary workshop was conducted by the Celebrity Chef Adzan. Chef Adzan demonstated his culinary skill as well as to share his life experiences with students. His sharing is to motivate students who are earnest to pursue their future career in Culinary.
Our extracurricular course, Carving and Decoration class is developed to identify students’ passion and talent in food decoration. Diligently with patient, they immersed themselves in carving. They are trained by gifted professional instructor.
Appreciation Night 2018
End of 2018, our graduating Hospitality students were honored to design and organize the Annual Appreciation Nights events which were to express their gratitude to their parents by cooking the perfected full courses menu, serving, and entertaining.
Table Manner
Our debut Table Manner Program held internally at Institute IT&B from July 16 to 18, 2019. It was an integrated students program launched to create the unity of Hospitality Department students as well as to prepare them for their internship and future employment in the Hospitality environment. At the particular occasion, students were to carry out their Restaurant Skills, to prepare the complete courses of menu for the occasion, and to sit for the Formal Dining Etiquette.
Sertifikasi Kompetensi Profesi
Another achievement of our Hospitality students, they are our first batch of 26 students who joined the Sertifikasi Kompetensi Profesi taken place in our facility on August 27 & 30, 2019. They have passed the certification and qualified to start their career in Hospitality Industry. Congratulations to our Intake 2016 students.
Concentrations in Hospitality Management Study Program
Our hospitality management programme offers students three specializations in semester 7, when students will continue their internship in the following areas:
Food Production
Students who want to run their own restaurant, café, coffee shop, pastry business, catering, or work as a pastry or culinary chefs, will choose this specialization, which introduces students to advanced culinary, pastry & baking, food and facility management methods.
Hotel Management
Students who want to pursue a career in the management of hotels, resorts, or B&B within Indonesia or overseas will opt for this concentration, which prepares them for successful employment within the hospitality industry.
Tourism and Event Organizing
This specialization is for students who wish to pursue a career in tour, travel and event organizing or in running their own travel agency business.

How long do I need to earn the Hospitality degree?
You need to study for two and a half years and undertake an internship for 6 months. Presently our Hospitality Program has been upgraded to D4 which is equivalent to S1. Our courses are carried out both practically and theoretically. All practical courses are conducted in our hospitality facilities at campus. Our theoretical courses are designed to be practical to ease your understanding in application.
Will I be ready to work in the industry?
D4 is a vocational degree. Students are trained by our experienced hospitality lecturers. You will be well prepared physical and mentally to undertake 6 month internship at five star hotels which the application will be assisted. We corporate extensively with International Chains hotels in Indonesia. Most of our students offered employment straightly after their internship completion.
What do I need to prepare before joining the course?
Our classes will be conducted in English. It is imperative that you improve your proficiency in listening and speaking English. Besides, our lecturers will support to improve English competency at first and second semesters.
What are the practical courses and facilities located?
We have various practical courses for Culinary, Baking, Front Office, Bartender, and Restaurant Skill. Those courses are to train as well as to develop our students to start their hospitality career. The courses are conducted in its respective facilities at Institut Bisnis IT&B Medan. We accommodate all theoretical classes and practical facilities in one building which is very convenient.
What interesting activities do you hold at Institut Bisnis IT&B Medan?
Occasionally, we hold annual events such as Culinary Competition, Baking Competition, Appreciation Night, Annual Lecturer Luncheon, Table Manner, Fundraising, and so forth. Each event is designed and organized by our hospitality students. All events are to collaborate our students to practice as well as to apply their knowledge.