Prof. Ir. H. Zulkarnain Lubis, M.S., Ph.D., the Rector of Institut Bisnis IT&B, in his opening remarks, expressed that the PKKMB in 2023 is expected to serve as an implementation platform for the Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) and to raise awareness about the importance of understanding globalization and the fourth industrial revolution.
“New students today are closely related to the use of technology in various aspects of life. PKKMB should be carefully planned to serve as a moment for new students to receive the right information about the education system at the IT&B Business Institute, both in academic and non-academic fields,” said Prof. Ir. H. Zulkarnain Lubis, M.S., Ph.D.
Vice Rector III of Institut Bisnis IT&B, Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., who is also a Motivator and Youngest Inspirator of Asia, served as a speaker during the event. In his presentation, Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., emphasized that youth are the future of the nation, the vanguard, and the key to Indonesia’s future. The aspirations of the nation are in the hands of the youth. The success of a country depends greatly on the excellence of its human resources. In improving the quality of human resources, youth play a crucial role by contributing effectively, creatively, and innovatively.
“My hope is that the new students of Institut Bisnis iT&B can discover their respective passions in line with the theme of PKKMB 2023, ‘Unleash Your Passion.’ Be the best version of yourselves and actively participate in the journey towards Golden Indonesia 2045 by leveraging your skills and fields of expertise,” said Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M.
Meanwhile, one of the Inspirational Women of North Sumatra, a member of the North Sumatra Regional Legislative Council (DPRD), Meryl Rouli Saragih, S.H., M.H., also participated as a speaker to provide insights into National Insight.
“National insight is one of the pillars of the nation’s success in achieving common goals. A love for the nation and country should be instilled from an early age so that we can participate in safeguarding the unity of our beloved nation and country,” said Meryl Rouli Saragih, S.H., M.H.
The Mayor of Medan, Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution, S.E., M.M., encouraged hundreds of new students at Institut Bisnis IT&B to have the enthusiasm to pursue their dreams for a better future.
“Stay motivated. (Enthusiasm) is not only for orientation week but also for staying motivated throughout every phase in achieving your dreams and aspirations,” said Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution, S.E., M.M.
Furthermore, Bobby Nasution added that the orientation week (PKKMB) should not only serve as an opportunity to make new friends and get acquainted with the campus environment but also as a platform to understand each individual’s role as a student.
“Now, you are in the phase of being a student. We hope that you can get to know and understand your role, not just for yourself but also to support the progress of the nation, the country, and the city of Medan,” said Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution, S.E., M.M.
During the event, Bobby Nasution also shared his own experiences during his college days at Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), which has now rebranded as IPB University. At that time, he pursued the Agribusiness program in the Faculty of Economics and Management at IPB University.
“The program you have chosen will hopefully lead you to various places in the future, including in the field of government. Currently, many business program alumni are working in the government sector. I am one of them,” said Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution, S.E., M.M.
In the closing ceremony, Dr. Agus Susanto, representing the management and academic community of Institut Bisnis IT&B, officially welcomed the hundreds of new students to the Institut Bisnis IT&B.
“This transformation guides students to become individuals who embrace and possess data literacy, technology literacy, human literacy, and the mental readiness for mastering the competencies required in the 21st century. Therefore, it is hoped that after participating in the PKKMB activities, the new students of the 2023 intake will be well-prepared for their higher education journey,” said Dr. Agus Susanto Tan.
During the event, the Mayor of Medan, Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution, S.E., M.M., representing the Medan City Government, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Institut Bisnis IT&B, represented by the Rector of Institut Bisnis IT&B, Prof. Ir. H. Zulkarnain Lubis, M.S., Ph.D. This MoU pertains to scholarships designated for high-achieving students in Medan who wish to continue their education at Institut Bisnis IT&B.
The PKKMB event was attended by the Head of the Department of Education and Culture of Medan City, Laksamana Putera Siregar, S.H., M.SP., the Head of the Department of Cooperatives, SMEs, Trade, and Industry, Benny Iskandar Nasution, the Head of the Inter-City and Regional Relations and Institutions Division of Medan City, Drs. Lilik, M.A.P., Vice Rector I of Institut Bisnis IT&B, Sri Aprianti Tarigan, S.E., M.E., Vice Rector II of Institut Bisnis IT&B and Head of the Accounting Program, Deva Djohan, B.Com., M.M., Head of the Management Program, Dr. Elyzabeth Wijaya, Head of the Entrepreneurship Program, Dr. Ika Puspa Satrianny, Head of the International Trade Program, Dr. Hengky Kosasih, Head of the Hotel Management Program, Tina Linda, S.S., M.B.A., Head of the Information Systems Program, Dr. Thamrin, and several lecturers, staff members, as well as representatives of alumni, including Fredi Wong, Nico Fook Tandias, and Randy Rentanaka.