IT&B held the 18th Graduation held on Saturday, October 26, 2019. In this 18th Graduation, 195 students consisted of 24 Masters in Management Masters, 36 Management S1 students, 21 S1 Accounting students, 100 D3 Hospitality Management students and 14 D3 Computer...
On July 1, announcement had been made that three Accounting students Intake 2017, Cynthia Chandra, Rosella Fernando and Vallenssya Mayke Putri successfully became the Top 5 Finalist in Accounting Olympiad, NECTION 2019, held by Semarang State University (UNNES)....
Pekan Inklusi 2018 activities are activities that can encourage the awareness of the younger generation to obey paying taxes. The IB IT&B annually conducts Brevet A / B training for the younger generation, especially the IB IT&B students, to be aware of the...
Reading the news does not have to have a communication education background especially journalists. Anyone can read the news well, including reading news in English as long as they want to study. Ricky Tionardy, IB IT&B Hospitality Management student has proven...
IB IT&B held the 17th Graduation which was led directly by its Chancellor, Rosita, SE, MSi, Saturday (27/10/2018). The IB IT&B has graduated 3201 graduates and alumni have worked in large companies such as Musim Mas, Swiss Bel Hotel, BCA and other...
Randy Rentanaka with Shendy and Michelle students of Faculty of Economics and Business IB IT & B succeeded to crown the English Warrior Team in third place in the National University Debating Championship (NUDC) level Kopertis Region I North Sumatra, 11 to 13 July...