Association of Market and Investment Banking Analysts (AAPIP) holds a “Certified Investment Market Banking and Analyst” Seminar and Certification at IT&B Campus. The event which lasted for 2 full days, Saturday / Sunday (13-14 / 6), was attended and hosted by President of AAPIP Pusat, Prof. Dr. Adler Haymans Manurung, SH, CIMBA who is also Acting official (Plt) Board of Directors of PT Bursa Berjangka Jakarta, brought the topic of Ethics Standard for Analyst, Introduction to Banking and Initial Public Offering (IPO). Dr. Pardermuan Sihombing, SE, MM, CIMBA, Chairman of AAPIP Center, presented the topic of Portfolio & Risk Management. Two other speakers, Thombos PHP Sitanggang, SE, MSM, CIMBA (Treasurer AAPIP) and Pindarwin OB Simaremare, S.Si, MSM, CIMBA (Selcretaris AAPIP) brought the topic of Financial Economics, Business and Equity Valuation, Introduction to Bond Market and Technical Analysis . Also present at the event were Executive Director of AAPIP Center, Karimun Manurung, SE.Ak, CIMBA and Chairman of AAPIP BPW Sumut-NAD, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan, CIMBA.