The shift of values and the decreasing of the awareness of the society and the younger generation in understanding the noble values of the nation and the state are the main concern of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR-RI) and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI). The form of attention, one of them by socializing the four pillars of national and state life as implemented in Campus IT & B Campus, Jalan Mahoni, Medan, recently by MPR-RI member dr Sofyan Tan with a number of his staff. Sofyan explained that the value of nation and state is contained in four pillars, namely Pancasila as the basis or ideology of nation and state, the 1945 Constitution as the basic constitution of the state, NKRI as a state form, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the motto of the state. “Falafali life of this nation needs to be socialized,” he said hoping through this socialization the whole community can consciously understand the four pillars, as a guideline in the life of the nation and state and the implementation of state administration.
IT&B Managing Director Dr. Agus Susanto Tan appreciated Sofyan Tan’s presence to socialize the four pillars of nationality to his students. He hopes that what Sofyan Tan delivered can inspire and motivate students. Also attending the event was the Chairman of the Foundation Tunas Andalan Nusa (TAN) Rachmady Tanady, Chairman of the Foundation Sultan Iskandar Muda Finche SE MPsi, lecturers, STIE and Polytechnic IT&B students.