Six IT&B Campus students successfully achieve the achievement at National Accounting Olympiad held at the University
Gadjah Mada (UGM). “We are proud of our successful achievement to be Top 35,” said Managing Director of IT&B Dr. Agus Susanto Tan at the campus Jalan Mahoni Medan, Tuesday (18/4). Mentioned, the event which was held on Sunday (16/4) yesterday, the student team joined the national Olympiad event that competed with undergraduate accounting students from various universities in Indonesia which requires that each participant has the ability to analyze the latest issues related to accounting and financial sector. “We strongly support the students and students to participate in various prestigious national competitions, in addition to proving the ability to compete in both theoretical and practical accounting is also expected to develop the ability to apply accounting theory in real life,” said Agus Susanto Tan, accompanied by Chairman of Accounting Study Program, Deva Djohan, BCom, MM, MBA and Secretary of Accounting, Stefvy, SE, SH, BBA.
He admitted with success of student IT&B Campus became Top 35, proving the ability of students in accounting majors are already ready to become an accountant has credibility for the improvement of social welfare in accordance with the theme of NAO, The Credibility of Accountant for the Eetterment of Social Welfare. The six students who participated in the prestigious event are Jesica Murano, Inez Tania, In Shiang, Christine, Fenny Chandra and Sally Angelica. The campus qualified for the Top 35 at the annual event which is part of Gadjah Mada Accounting Days.