IT&B held the 18th Graduation held on Saturday, October 26, 2019. In this 18th Graduation, 195 students consisted of 24 Masters in Management Masters, 36 Management S1 students, 21 S1 Accounting students, 100 D3 Hospitality Management students and 14 D3 Computer Engineering students, successfully graduated with pride.
On this Graduation occasion, IT&B received an honorary visit from Prof. Dr. Dian Armanto, M. Pd., M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. Head of LLDIKTI Region 1 North Sumatra. Besides that, the Chairman of the Tunas Andalan Nusa Foundation (TAN), Tansri Chandra, Chairman of the TAN Foundation, Rachmady Tanady, IT&B Managing Director, Dr. Agus Susanto, also present at the 18th Graduation.
The event, which was held at the IT&B Hall, 5th Floor, added the community of IT&B graduates to 3,381 people who were proudly presented to the nation and state. In this 18th Graduation, Jose from the Department of Accounting recorded the best graduate with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.88. Most graduates come from D3 Department of Hospitality Management.
In his remarks, the Chairman of the TAN Foundation Advisor, Tansri Chandra, said that, “A good university is a university that is managed not for profit. I am proud that IT&B continues to produce quality graduates who are ready to face business competition. The graduates can continue to develop their abilities so that they can always take part in the world of work both nationally and internationally I hope that graduates can continue to maintain the good name of the IT&B family so that the ideas of the institution to keep IT&B alumni as responsible citizens can be realized through their work.”