Managing Director, Agus Susanto revealed that webinar activities are an effective step to be able to do online activities. For that, he invited competent speakers to share knowledge.
“During this pandemic, all activities were completely limited, so yes, we have to use them online. We finally made a webinar by inviting speakers to share knowledge in accordance with their fields,” said Agus, Friday (4/12/2020).
Agus said that the students’ enthusiasm was so great to take part in this webinar. At least 200 to 500 students attend the webinar each week.
“Students are very enthusiastic and happy even though with limited time but there are still alternatives by being online to listen to those who are competent in their fields. We present students with materials that match their sources. For example, focusing on marketing, HR, journalism and business as well. “he said.
IT&B also appreciated the presenters. This can be done by giving placards and certificates to presenters, including Setiawan, as the head of the Medan Tribun company when filling out a webinar about Became an Advance Advertiser.
Setiawan also thanked IT&B for filling out the webinar material. He revealed that this is also in line with the media’s vision and mission to educate through information.
“Our vision and mission is the same as educating the nation through information, especially in the field of education. Hopefully the material presented can be useful,” said Setiawan.
Apart from Setiawan, also attended by Darwin Jasmin and Martin as resource persons for the webinar on IT&B who also received placards and certificates as a token of appreciation from IT&B.
With the implementation of this webinar every week, Agus hopes that students can absorb information and knowledge directly from the presenters.
“Our target is that with these speakers, students can listen directly from the experts. So students do not only learn in theory from books,” said Agus.