Students of the Accounting Study Program at IT&B Business Institute conducted a study visit to PT. Sinar Langkat Perkasa, one of the leading companies in palm oil processing. This visit took place on December 14, 2024, and was attended by 46 students along with the Head of the Accounting Program, Deva Djohan, BCom, MM, MBA.
The purpose of this activity was to provide a deeper insight into the CPO (Crude Palm Oil) production process from FFB (Fresh Fruit Bunch), as well as the application of accounting concepts in the plantation industry sector.
The students from IT&B Business Institute were warmly welcomed by the representatives of PT. Sinar Langkat Perkasa, including the Factory Supervisor, Ali Samudera. During the event, the Factory Manager gave a comprehensive explanation of the steps involved in CPO production, from the harvesting of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) to the processing into crude palm oil.
The students were invited to directly observe various stages of the process, starting from the receipt of FFB at the factory, the separation of the fruit from the bunch, the processing to extract the oil, and the refining process that produces CPO.
Not just theory, the students were also given the opportunity to engage in discussions with the management and experts in the field regarding the challenges and opportunities within the industry, including aspects to consider in cost management, production efficiency, and the implementation of accounting systems in companies within the plantation industry sector.
Ali Samudera, Factory Supervisor of PT. Sinar Langkat Perkasa, expressed his pleasure in sharing knowledge and experiences with the accounting students from IT&B Business Institute.
Such activities are expected to provide a real picture of how the industrial world and accounting practices are interconnected in the field. “We hope this visit can broaden their perspectives and inspire students to better understand their roles in the workforce later on,” he explained.
This visit received positive feedback from the students and the Head of the Accounting Program, Deva Djohan, BCom, MM, MBA, of IT&B Business Institute. “This activity is very important for our students so they can directly see how the production process works in the field and relate it to the accounting concepts they have learned in class. Additionally, this experience provides valuable insights into cost management and the application of accounting principles in industries with unique characteristics, such as palm oil plantations,” he explained.
In the future, IT&B Business Institute plans to continue collaborating with other industrial companies to provide a broader experience to students and enrich their competencies for the workforce.
Meanwhile, the Managing Director of IT&B Business Institute, Prof (Assoc) Dr. Agus Susanto Tan, added that the students’ study visit to the palm oil plantation company is part of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka program.
“Students can directly learn and understand real fieldwork practices. Hopefully, this experience can be applied by students when facing challenges in the workforce,” said Prof (Assoc) Dr. Agus Susanto Tan.