The Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) hopes for the participation of students and youth in efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia.

The Director of Community Participation Development of the Indonesian KPK Kumbul Kusdwidjanto Sudjadi said that in 2030-2045, Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus where there are 52 percent of productive age.

He hopes that students who will become leaders of the nation in the future will take control of the Indonesian state to prevent corruption.

“I really appreciate the enthusiasm of IT&B Campus students, they understand together with 2030-2045 the demographic bonus of 52 percent of productive age. They will also become leaders of the nation and I am very grateful for the enthusiasm of students so they really understand what corruption is and how to prevent it,” he said after the seminar. Fostering Community Participation in Corruption Eradication at the IT&B Business Institute campus, Tuesday (8/6/2021).

He also said that the Indonesian state needs all elements of society to support a country free from corruption.

Because it is impossible for corruption to be eradicated only by KPK officers. This work is the duty of the whole community to support corruption is our common enemy.

He continued, the person who commits corruption is someone who does not have integrity.

“Integrity is applied from early childhood to death, then briefing students and their influence on the campus world. We (KPK-RI) enter the elements of the nation, community and students to convey this,” he explained.

Because the challenge in 2045 is that students will hold the government to determine the fate of the nation.

That is why it is hoped that public awareness will always be provided.

He hopes that students care and do not commit corruption and present an attitude of concern for other people.

If you see something that is detrimental to the state, please report it to the KPK with the Public Complaint Service as follows.

The public complaint service is located at Jalan Kuningan Persada Kav 4, South Jakarta or SMS 08558575575, 0811959575 or Email to

“We will keep the reporter’s personal information completely confidential,” he concluded.