Randy Rentanaka with Shendy and Michelle students of Faculty of Economics and Business IB IT & B succeeded to crown the English Warrior Team in third place in the National University Debating Championship (NUDC) level Kopertis Region I North Sumatra, 11 to 13 July 2018 at Hotel Madani Medan.
“Despite being third, we are quite satisfied,” he said on Friday (27/7). A sense of satisfaction that Randy felt because NUDC was followed by 36 teams from various universities in North Sumatra. Moreover, the preparation to follow the NUDC is quite solid. Exercise was done on the sidelines of spare time. Every opportunity Randy and the team to do the exercises with a discussion online and directly. “In the morning the team must work,” he said. Admittedly, the NUDC event can develop students’ English debate skills even better. By participating in this competition can be a role model for other students to remain brave and confident to hone their English skills and become a critical person and aware of the issues that are going on. “NUDC selection is an excellent opportunity for me and my friends to hone their English skills and think critically together,” he said.
The achievements of the English Warrior IB IT & B team in this competition became their pride. Managing Director of IB IT & B, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan claimed to be proud of the achievement in the NUDC and can perform optimally by winning the third place.